Friday, May 24, 2013

Today, for the homily, I want to give you some homework.  And you have to do it.  Father said so.  J

No, I don’t mean find someone in an irregular marital situation and harass them with today’s gospel.  I think we all, including Jesus, understand that committing to faithful and strong relationships is difficult.  Friendship, including that of marriage, is one of the best parts of life when it works and one of the worst when it doesn’t.

If Jesus looks at you funny when you suggest so, just say "Judas" and he’ll understand.

The homework is to pray with the verse from the first reading.

A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter,
  whoever finds one has found a rare treasure.
A faithful friend is something beyond price,
  there is no measuring his worth.
A faithful friend is the elixir of life,
  and those who fear the Lord will find one.
Whoever fears the Lord makes true friends,
  for as a man is, so is his friend.

And consider two things.

1st – "whoever fears the Lord makes true friends, for as a man is, so is his friend."

Pray a moment about who you spend most of your time with.  How well do they reflect your own values and faith?  How much do you spend your time with those you love most?

2nd – I want everyone here today to make sure that you tell your best friend (or best friends) how much they mean to you.  Maybe even use this verse from Sirach.  Don’t let the sun set today without calling, or writing, or emailing, or facebooking, or sharing a drink face to face with your best friend and telling them once again how much you love and depend on them.

Here is my best friend [show picture], ...or one of ‘em, I have two.  And I’m going to offer this Mass for him and put his picture on the altar while I celebrate.  I ask you to do the same thing in your hearts.  Place them on the altar of your heart, And tell ‘em you love ‘em.  You have to.  Fr. said so.

1 comment:

  1. Adirondack chairs and a call to the Adirondack mountains where my oldest friend lives... The image is as nice as our conversation. I really liked my homework.
