Friday, April 26, 2013

"Do not let your hearts be troubled.  
You have faith in God; have faith also in me."

[standing next to altar, holding up candle topper] 

Everyone calls these little glass things on top of the altar candles “wind protectors” and I guess that’s an appropriate term.  

If you carry the candles outside they certainly would protect the little flame from getting blown out by the wind.

But why do we have the “wind protectors” on the candles inside the protection of the Church [inclusive gesture], next to the altar, where there is no threat of a wind?

Because that’s not what they do here.  They do not protect the flame.  [place topper on candle and pause for the flickering to start]

The same guard that protects the flame from threatening winds outside, actually makes the flame flicker when inside.  The guard disrupts the way the air can get to the wick, making it dance, so we actually keep the candles guarded to keep the flame troubled, because it looks more beautiful that way.

Some of these same dynamics are at play with our hearts.  Under threats we need to guard the love our hearts give off from the winds that can destroy the fragile little flame. 

When the winds of hate are blowing, in the storm of a separation or divorce, under the gust of death, or the gales of suffering, we need to protect our hearts and the little flame of love that they support. 

But these same protections, when all is calm, only serve to trouble our hearts.  

Like the flame, a guarded heart is safe, but it is troubled.

And this trouble is not beautiful in our hearts like it is in the candles…and in today's Gospel, Jesus is calling us to have untroubled hearts.  That means hearts that are unguarded, vulnerable, trusting, and generous.  The protection of our faith in God and in Jesus [inclusive gesture] protects the flame of our love so that it can’t be blown out.  And we are called to drop our guard, to dare to trust, to move beyond our fear of rejection, and to illuminate the world around us with untroubled light.

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